You must be extremely happy after buying your new MacBook as it is a prized possession for us. You will surely want it to serve you for years to come. You should keep in mind that being an electronic gadget, a MacBook can also have issues at times. When there is an issue due to a damaged part of your MacBook, you have to either repair or replace that part. I normally go to a shop selling laptop spares near me for buying any spare part for my MacBook. However, if you take proper care of your MacBook you can avoid some common issues. A few tips are mentioned below that will help you to keep your MacBook safe.

Regularly backup your data

There can be issues in your MacBook that can put your data at risk. You should take the backup of your data at intervals of every one or two weeks. This will protect your valuable data even if your machine crashes. You can copy all the files in your MacBook to an external hard disk. Another option is to have a full Time Machine backup. This will help you to easily restore your data after your MacBook repair in Kolkata.

Stop unwanted tasks running in the background

Check which tasks are running in the background. If a lot of tasks are running in the background, it will ultimately slow down your machine. Stop the tasks that are not necessary at the moment. Your MacBook will run smoothly.

Clean your old files

This is very important when there is less hard drive space in your MacBook. The technician at the best laptop repairing center in Kolkata recommends that you clean your old files regularly. It will help to preserve the hard drive space and your MacBook will run smoothly. You should keep a minimum of 10% of the hard drive free. If you can leave more space, it is even better. If you need to keep some old files, you can keep them in an external hard drive instead of the machine itself.

Run Disk Utility

The Disk Utility program is included in all MacBooks. It will keep your hard drive healthy and fully functional if you run the program four to five times every year. There are two basic functions of the Disk Utility program. The purpose of the first one is to repair disk permissions. The second function is to repair the disk itself.

Keep the desktop clean

There is a habit of many MacBook users to keep files, folders and apps on the desktop. This is wrong as it can make the machine slow. To display every icon on the desktop, the MacBook uses a percentage of its RAM. There will be less Ram available for other important tasks if there are a lot of icons on your desktop as they will occupy most of the RAM. It is advisable to keep the apps organized in the Applications folder of your MacBook. There can be a few folders on the desktop, but not more than that.